What is Truth and What is the Ultimate Truth?
"What is Truth?" from the vantage point of System Outlook?
According to System Outlook, we can talk about Truth only in a framework of a certain system as our universe is a divine totality of all possible systems, where God is Absolute Logic that keeps all elements of the system “Universe” from atoms to galaxies in a perfect order.
From these perspective truth is a manifestation of Absolute Logic inside of each system. Thus, truth is a specific logic that organizes elements of a specific system in a perfect order.
Constitution is a truth for a state, a traffic law is a truth for the system of roads, a manual is a truth for a blender and so on.
In this case the ultimate Truth and God are synonyms.
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1. What is the Truth? The absolute Truth is something that exists eternally and unchangeably.
2. According to System Outlook, there are only two actually unchanging and eternal things in our Universe: the Absolute Logic as Absolute Law of Unity and the current moment of time, when Logic manifests itself through various systems.
3. System Outlook defines the Ultimate Truth as Absolute Logic or Law of Unity, which at the level of feelings, is perceived as a state of the highest Harmony and Love. From this perspective God and the Ultimate Truth are synonyms.
4. If the ultimate Truth is the Law of Unity, which governs and distributes energy between all the possible systems within the System Matrix, then a truth for a system would be a specific law or logic that organizes elements of that system in a special order.
5. Absolute Truth and God are the same things, and logic is the way to understand them.
6. The particular manifestation of the Truth or Absolute Logic within one system would be specific rules, which integrate elements of this system and establish logical interconnections among them to ensure the vitality of the system. A constitution would be a law or Truth for a state, a truth for roads would be a traffic law; a truth for a vacuum cleaner would be its manual.
7. There is a typical opinion that everyone has his or her own Truth. This is an illusion. However, people have their own interpretation of Truth. The Truth is like gravity; there is only one Truth for a system, and it is objective and independent from interpretations.
8. If at the absolute level God and the ultimate Truth are the synonyms, then when it comes to a human perception, we perceive the Truth in different forms.
At the physical level we perceive the Truth as our actual personal experiences through our senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch or intuitive feelings. We interpret them through the prism of our beliefs and memory. Our interpretations can be absolutely truthful for us; however, for others they are subjective, until logically our experiences can relate to common knowledge. For instance, a statement that yesterday it was cold, would be my personal subjective interpretation, until I present it as a fact that yesterday it was snowing, windy and, consequently, cold.
At the mental level we perceive truth as a logical chain of causes and effects that make sense. No wonder, all investigations use logic as a main instrument that allows revealing truth regarding any specific events.
At the level of feeling we feel the revealed truth as a final state of clarity when confusions are dissolved, no hesitations left and we have to face our true feelings. Such moments happen when someone’s intrigues are revealed and we have to deal with a new unexpected turn in the situation.
At the spiritual level, God installed into human systems a mechanism that lets us know when we violate the Truth as the Law of Unity and Love. This is our conscience. When we take advantage of others in any form, the conscience immediately lets us know of it through inner discomfort and disgust about what we did.
9. Truth as a law for the elements of a system is defined by the creator of this system, that’s why it cannot be changed by any single element of a system. Thus, one driver cannot change the Traffic Law, although he may violate it. Biological beings, including humans, cannot continue living if they decide to stop such functions of their body like breathing or digesting.
10. Human concepts of Truth, often are reduced to disputes of moral norms regarding what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is not.
11. Often, when people subjectively interpret the truth, they “measure” it by their own main "pleasures,” which reflect their preferable way of getting energy.
12. We have to create our personal interpretations of Truth to justify our own moral norms and related methods of obtaining pleasures and energy.
13. Without a holistic view of everything, people often perceive life as a random and temporary physiological phenomenon. This position leads to a logical conclusion about the lack of both the Truth and the meaning of life. The consequent logical suggestion naturally substantiates the idea of permissiveness and pursuit of pleasure as the only purpose of life, which makes sense. From such perspective ethical norms don’t make much sense at all; so, often people select moral settings that “logically” justify not only unethical behavior or crime, but also pro-fascist doctrines.
14. Conversely, if for some people, a pure conscience is a necessary condition for experiencing inner peace, then it is quite possible that they would interpret the Truth from one or another religious standpoint.
15. As a law of any system, truth is invisible and we have to use logic to detect it. That is what detectives do when they investigate a crime. They use logic to connect all facts, evidences and clues into one non-contradictory chain of events to finally discover the truth.
16. When people argue about ethical norms, in reality they are trying to uncover the Law of Unity that underlies human ethics and morals.
17. Where is the difference between truthful and false statements? Any statement is an interpretation; however, a false statement has fewer logical connections than a truthful one.
18. To immediately recognize the Truth from inside, God gave us an inner indicator, which is our conscience. Until we are in an absolute alignment with our conscience, we cannot reach the state of peace, clarity and wisdom.
19. The torturing of conscience can be very severe until we are ready to look at what’s done with open eyes, and then go through necessary remorse and change.
20. The fight for personal rightness actually is a fight for the Truth. We cannot live life happily knowing we are wrong. We have to logically justify our actions. For instance, often the reasoning “everyone lies” help us to justify our lie, etc.
21. Conscience is our inner guardian of Truth.
22. The purity of a soul, or the purity of intention, is a necessary condition for a person to be connected with God and Truth.
23. To follow the Truth means to simply follow two laws: first of all, the ethical law that is represented by our conscience in our soul, and then, the law of a system that requires specific responsibilities.